Camelot, a national non-profit agency, has been serving children and families for over 30 years. Our foster care programs, Traditional, Supported, Enhanced and Therapeutic, have been providing nurturing and supportive environments that include support services, counseling, 24 hour on-call, PIP classes and clinical training serving children 0 -18 years old.
4Kids is a faith-based foster care agency linking with local churches to provide support to foster parents, adoptive parents and children. Our services include recruiting, training, and licensing of foster homes. In addition, we support those homes with respite care, mentoring, continuing education classes and other services as needed.
Established in 1978 by Dr. Mubarak Awad, the National Youth Advocate Program (NYAP) serves youth and families in need of restorative care and treatment. NYAP is a national child welfare agency that has established a reputation for creating innovative programs that utilize community resources. NYAP’s Florida office provides enhanced foster care services to youth that are medically fragile, youth that have a recent history of or current problem with substance abuse.
Place of Hope is a faith-based foster care agency linking with local churches to provide support to foster parents, adoptive parents and children. Our services include recruiting, training, and licensing of foster homes. In addition, we support those homes with respite care, mentoring, continuing education classes and other services as needed.
Pinnacle Family provides the following services for children and adults in our program: therapeutic foster care, therapeutic services, individualized programs, behavioral services, and homes for children with developmental disabilities.
Mount Bethel Human Services Corporation, Inc. organized to address the issues of minority over representation in the juvenile justice system, MBHSC has expanded to respond to issues of Foster Care, Juvenile Prevention, Employability Skill Development, Emergency Food Pantry, Parenting and Neighborhood Empowerment.
Cayuga Centers is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ensuring children have a safe, loving home. We work to keep families together, and reunite those who have been divided. That might mean a temporary foster stay while problems at home are resolved. In the case of unaccompanied migrant children, it means providing a foster home during the process of identifying a parent or sponsor, and doing everything possible to ensure a speedy and safe return. We also provide medical and psychological support, advocacy, learning and cultural enrichment.
Our Mission Empowering children and families to experience the transforming love of Christ through holistic care. Our Vision Creating wholeness in children and families through Christ. A century of serving children.