Kinship Caregiver refers to any caregiver (both relative and non-relative) who has had an established relationship with the child prior to being involved with the dependency system. What makes Kinship placements so valuable is that they allow the children to retain a sense of familiarity with other adults in their lives. Kinship caregivers are essential to the overall support, growth, and well-being of our children thus “fostering happy childhoods”!!
Our purpose
with the Kinship Navigation Program is to ensure that our caregivers feel heard, seen, and receive all of the resources that are available to them in order to maintain the child in their care comfortably.
Kinship navigators are here to help!!
We assist caregivers with understanding, navigating and accessing the system of care for children removed from their parents through the dependency system. Friends of Foster Children provides the support and guidance caregivers need in order to foster and provide a supportive and loving home for the children.